Empire - Total War
Empire - Total War
"The Pattern"
33rd Foot

The 33rd Regiment of Foot was one of the most prominent regiments of the British Army during the XVIII century. The regiment earned its nickname "The Pattern" because of the professionalism and discipline displayed during the American Revolutionary War, they also became the model of soldiering and discipline which other regiments should follow. In 1702 Colonel George Hastings, 8th Earl of Huntingdon, was authorised by Queen Anne to raise a new regiment, which he did in and around the

33rd foot line done gburg 029

Soldier of the 33rd Regiment of Foot

city of Gloucester. As was the custom in those days the regiment was named "Huntingdon's Regiment" after its Colonel. The regiment changed its name according to its current colonel until July 1 1751, when a Royal warrant reorganised the British infantry units into numbers instead of their commander's name, and the regiment was designated as the "33rd Regiment of Foot". The 33rd was formed in order to participate in the War of the Spanish Succession, but it distinguished itself during the American Revolutionary War. The regiment arrived on American soil in May 1776 landing at Cape Fear, North Carolina. The Pattern saw much action during the American War of Independence with its first engagement being the Battle of Sullivan's Island when the British forces attempted an assault on the enemy's defences. In August 1776 the regiment was involved in the Battle of Long Island, after heavy fighting which lasted for several days the British were victorious, and the Americans were forced to retreat


33rd Foot private during the later period of the American Revolutionary War

to Manhattan. After that they fought at the Battle of Harlem Heights in which the British were lured by Washington, but 33rd arrived in time to turn the Americans into retreat. The regiment was also involved in the Battle of Fort Washington, after that they were not involved in a major battle until September 1777, when they took part in the Battle of Brandywine. Then they participated in few other engagements such as the Siege of Charleston, and with the next major battle being the Battle of Monmouth, an engagement that became the largest one-day battle of the war. The regiment fought


33rd Foot infantryman

especially valorously at the Battle of Guilford Court House in which the British were heavily outnumbered by the Continentals, however, the 33rd led by Colonel James Webster attacked and broke off two American lines, Webster himself was killed in action. Their last engagement in this conflict was at the Siege of Yorktown which marked the final defeat of the British forces. The regiment was renamed once again, this time to "The Duke of Wellington's Regiment" (because of its links with the Duke of Wellington) on 18 June 1853, on the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo in the year following Wellington's death. The Duke of Wellington's Regiment was amalgamated with other units on 6 June 2006.


The in game model of the 33rd Foot is based on a variation of uniform worn by the 33rd Regiment of Foot


33rd Foot infantryman during the American War of Independence

during the American Revolutionary War. They are armed with the generic in game flintlock musket model which in this case most likely depicts a Brown Bess musket.
