Empire - Total War
Empire - Total War
Circassian Armoured Cavalry
Circassian Armoured Cavalry
Belongs to Ottoman Empire
Type Melee Cavalry
Weapon(s) Sword
Soldiers in each unit 45
Melee Attack 19
Charge bonus 17
Defense skill 16
Morale 12
Tech requirement None
Produced from Army Staff College in Anatolia
Special abilities Wedge Formation;

Diamond Formation

  • Resistant to heat fatigue
Cost 1350 (990 MP)
Upkeep 330
Turns to Train 1
Unit Cap None
Circassian Armoured Cavalry Icon

Circassian Armoured Cavalry are a type of melee cavalry in Empire: Total War. They are available only with the Elite Units of the East.


Medieval cavalry in chainmail may look hopelessly old fashioned, but it is a foolish enemy who underestimates these men.

These cavalrymen may look like they have ridden out of a storybook, or be fighting Crusader knights, but they are superb horsemen and can deliver a shocking charge against an unwary enemy. If this does not break a foe’s line, they can then fight in melee with their sabres until they do win! Armour and weight, however, do not help much when facing the cannons’ blast or when trying to break into a well-formed infantry square.

The people of the Caucasus Mountains have a long tradition of producing beautiful women and brave and skilled fighters. Circassian ladies were highly regarded for their looks, intelligence, and spirit, and were considered very desirable concubines by the Ottomans. Circassian men had centuries of experience of fighting invaders and each other. They were also extremely set in their ways: they produced fine and beautiful weapons and armour in, as might be expected, somewhat conservative and traditionalist designs. Armoured cavalrymen from the Caucasus were in Russian service as well as in the Ottoman army, and were rightly regarded as an asset, not an archaic burden.

General Information[]

Circassian Armoured Cavalry are heavy cavalry exclusive to the Ottoman Empire. They are similar to Cuirassiers in that they may be recruited in unlimited number and have excellent defensive capabilities; however, they have superior statistics, are more expensive, and can only be trained in Anatolia. They also require higher-tier training facilities than cuirassiers, restricting them to the later game.

Early Cavalry Company CavalryCossack Ataman CavalryHakkapeliitaProvincial CavalryRegiment of Horse
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Heavy Cavalry AhadisChief's BodyguardCircassian Armoured CavalryCuirassiersGarde du CorpGarde du Corps (France)Garde du Corps (Prussia)Garde à ChevalGeneral's Bodyguard (Eastern)General's Bodyguard (Indian)General's Bodyguard (Western)Guardias de CorpsHeavy CavalryHorse Guards (Great Britain)Horse Guards (United Provinces)Life GuardsLife Guards of HorseRajput ZamindarWinged Hussars
Lance Cavalry Bargir LancersBosniaksChevaux-légersEast India Company LancersNative American LancersNative Indian CavalryNative LancersPulaski's LegionSilladar LancersSipahisUhlans
Mounted Infantry and Missile Cavalry 2nd Continental Light DragoonsApache Mescalero WarriorsBrunswick DragoonsCarabineersCheyenne Dog SoldiersColonial DragoonsComanche Mounted WarriorsCreek Horse RidersCrow Horse WarriorsDeli HorsemenDragoonsKalmuksLee's LegionLibyan KulogluLight DragoonsMounted Nizam-I CeditMounted Tribal AuxiliaryMounted Tribal GunnersNavajo Scout WarriorsOjibwa Horse WarriorsOnondaga Fire KeepersPindari HorsemenPioneer RaidersQizilbashi CavalryTarleton's Light DragoonsTatarsZamindari Horsemen
Other Cavalry Camel NomadsElephant MusketeersShaturnal Camel GunnersWar Elephants