Empire - Total War
Empire - Total War
Beylik Janissary Musketeers
Beylik Janissary Musketeers
Belongs to Ottoman Empire
Type Elite Infantry
Weapon(s) Musket
Ammunition 15
Soldiers in each unit 120
Melee Attack 9
Charge bonus 10
Defense skill 11
Morale 8
Range 70
Accuracy 45
Reloading 40
Produced from Drill School
Special abilities ­
  • Can Guard
  • Can hide in woodland
  • Can hide in light scrub
  • Resistant to morale shocks
  • Inspires nearby units
  • Grappling Hooks
  • Resistant to heat fatigue
Cost 960 SP/820 MP
Upkeep 240
Turns to Train 1
Unit Cap None
Beylik Janissary Musketeers Icon

Beylik Janissary Musketeers are a type of elite infantry in Empire: Total War.


The janissaries are professional soldiers, hardened by arduous training and given the best equipment in the army.

As a force, they are the cream of the Ottoman army but, in comparison to some other nations, they fight in a slightly old fashioned way. This is small comfort to those who stand against them, as the janissaries are personally brave to the point of foolhardiness. They are also given to festooning themselves with weapons and hurling themselves into any fray!

Historically, the corps of janissaries (the term means “new soldiers”) dates back to the 14th Century. They were intended to replace the unreliable ghazi tribal warriors with a force indoctrinated to be completely loyal to the Sultan. This was achieved by taking boys as young as five for training and conversion to Islam if required. The janissaries had their own corps of engineers, supply troops and were even paid regularly, whether they were at war or not! Over time, however, they came to be used as bureaucrats and administrators, and this gave them too much power over the Ottoman Empire. Eventually, the janissaries’ entrenched position in government became arrogance and an entrenched position against change, and so helped the Ottomans to stagnate and decline.

General Information[]

Beylik Janissary Musketeers are the Ottoman variant of Western Guards, possessing better statistics than their lesser counterparts, as well as the ability to inspire nearby troops. However, Beylik Janissary Musketeers are plagued by various problems: they lack bayonets, they cannot form squares, and they cannot utilize the various firing drills(This can be ignored because they have better accuracy and better reload abilities so they are stronger than European Line inf in fire battle)[1]. When entrenched, they cannot erect trenches or wooden barricades to defend themselves. Beylik Janissary Musketeers do hold an advantage over Guards in that they only require Drill Schools to train and that they may be trained quickly and in unlimited number. Even when Nizam-I Cedit Infantry become available, Beylik Janissary Musketeers are still useful for their morale-boosting characteristics.

With the Elite Units of the East DLC, Beylik Janissary Musketeers are made somewhat obsolete by Cairo Janissaries, which possess better stats and serve a similar function. However, as Beylik Janissary Musketeers may be trained worldwide when compared to the Egypt-exclusive Cairo Janissaries, they do retain a flexible role as elite infantry that can quickly be called upon.



Line Infantry 1st Delaware2nd New York33rd FootAfrican Native InfantryBargir InfantryBulkeley's RegimentColonial Line InfantryCompany InfantryHessian Line InfantryIrish BrigadeIsarelysKing's Royal Regiment of New YorkLine InfantryNizam-I Cedit InfantryRégiments ÉtrangersRoyal Deux-Ponts RegimentScotsSikh MusketeersSuperior Line InfantrySwiss Infantry
Militia Colonial Militia (Grand Campaign)Colonial Militia (Road to Independence)ConscriptsCossack InfantryDahomey AmazonsDesert WarriorsFellahin MusketeersHindu MusketeersJamestown SettlersJohn Smith's BandMilitiaMinutemenPalestinian AuxiliariesPioneer MilitiaQizilbashi MusketeersSepoys
Grenadiers Beylik Janissary GrenadiersCemaat Janissary GrenadiersGrenadiersGrenadiers (Prussia)Grenadiers (Russia)Grenadiers (Spain)Guard GrenadiersHand Mortar CompanyHessian GrenadiersHungarian GrenadiersJanissary Hand Mortar BölükRoyal Welch Fusiliers
Irregulars & Skirmishers Afghan HillmenArmenian ArchersAtakapa Elite WarriorsAzzarsBosnian PanduksBowmenCazadoresChasseurs BritanniquesChasseurs à PiedCompany of Select Marksmen/Fraser's RangersCoureurs de BoisFerguson RiflemenFrei-korpsFrontiersmenGreen JacketsGrenzersGuerillasHaydut IrregularsJaegersKurdish HillmenLegion of the United StatesLight InfantryLong Rifle MenMiqueletsMohawk Elite WarriorsMorgan's Provisional Rifle CorpMountain TroopsMuscogee TribesmenMusketmenNative American MusketeersNative Bowmen AuxiliaryNative Musketmen AuxiliaryNizam-I Cedit Light InfantryNizam-I Cedit RiflesPandoursPowhatan BowmenPrussian JaegersRangersRiflemenRogers' RangersSiberian HuntersTirailleursWindbüchse Jaegers
Elite Infantry 1st MarylandBeylik Janissary MusketeersBlue GuardCairo JanissariesColdstream GuardsGuardias de InfanteriaGuardsHolland GuardInfanterie Petit-VieuxInfanterie VieuxLife GuardLife Guards of FootMaison du RoiMedicine MenRepublican GuardRoyal EcossaisSiemenovski Foot GuardsSwiss GuardThe Black WatchUS MarinesWalloon GuardsWarrior SocietyWinnebago Warriors
Melee Infantry Barbary PiratesBashi-BazouksBlackfoot Blood WarriorsBuccaneersCemaat JanissariesClansmenDervishesFellahinGhoorkasGorodskiye StreltsyHindu WarriorsIslamic SwordsmenNative American WarriorsNative Warrior AuxiliaryOjibwa WarriorsPetun Wolf WarriorsPikemenPowhatan WarriorsSikh WarriorsZamindari Pikemen
Mobs Armed PeasantryBhumiya BowmenBhumiya LevyFirelock Armed CitizenryFirelock Armed PopulaceLandless RabbleMusellimsNative American TribesmenPirate MobSemenysTufangis
Mounted Infantry 2nd Continental Light DragoonsBrunswick DragoonsCheyenne Dog SoldiersColonial DragoonsDragoonsLee's LegionLibyan KulogluLight DragoonsMounted Nizam-I CeditPioneer RaidersTarleton's Light Dragoons